About the RHCN The Core Group Participants
Surveys Meetings Books
Stuff to read
Professor , Foundation Director, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Australia
Dr. , Chief Executive of Learning and Innovation, Jönköping County Council, Sweden.
Professor , Chief Consultant, Center for Quality Improvement, Region of Southern Denmark & Professor, University of Southern Denmark.
Professor Dr. , Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Institute of Health Policy & Management, The Netherlands.
Professor , University of Liege, Liege, Belgium.
Dr. , Principal Advisor, Healthcare System Safety and Accountability, Canada.
Professor , Imperial College London, Department of Surgery & Cancer, UK.
Dr. , University of Florida, USA & Imperial College London, UK.
The members of the Core Group encourage your active participation and contribution, and will always be pleased to hear from you on any matter related to the RHCN.