Books, papers, etc


“Health is more than the absence of disease”

“Safety is more than the absence of risk”

Books, papers, and other stuff to read ...

There is a considerable literature on patient safety or safety in health care. In fact, too much to list here. The following is a somewhat eclectic selection:


(If you think that important papers have been missed, please send me a note, and I will try to compensate for the oversight. Ditto for books.)


  • Amalberti, R., Auroy, Y., Berwick, D. & Barach, P. (2005) Five System Barriers to Achieving Ultrasafe Health Care. Ann Intern Med., 142, 756-764.
  • Brattheim, B., Faxvaag, A. & Seim, A. (2011). Process support for risk mitigation: a case study of variability and resilience in vascular surgery. BMJ Qual Saf, 20(8):672-79.
  • Brown,C., Hofer,T., Johal,A., Thomson, R., Nicholl, J., Franklin, B. D. & Lilford, R. J. (2008). An epistemology of patient safety research: a framework for study design and interpretation. Part 1. Conceptualising and developing interventions. Qual Saf Health Care, 17, 158–162.
  • Emanuel, L., Berwick, D., Conway, J., Combes, J., Hatlie, M., Leape, L., Reason, J., Schyve, P., Vincent, C. & Walton, M. (2008). What exactly is patient safety?Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches. AHRQ Publication Nos. 08-0034 Volume 1, July
  • Furniss D, Back J. Blandford, A. (2011). Unwritten Rules for Safety and Performance in an Oncology Day Care Unit: Testing the Resilience Markers Framework. In Proceedings of the Fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium.
  • Furniss D, Back J, Blandford A., et al. (2011). A Resilience Markers Framework for Small Teams. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96(1):2-10.
  • Jeffcott SA, Ibrahim JE, Cameron PA. (2009). Resilience in healthcare and clinical handover. Qual Saf Health Care, 18:256–60.
  • Leape, L. L. (2009). Errors in medicine. Clinica Chimica Acta, 404, 2–5
  • Leape, L. L. & Berwick, D. M. (2005). Five Years After To Err Is Human: What Have We Learned? JAMA, May 18, Vol 293, No. 19, 2384-2390
  • NEW McNab, D. (2016). Understanding patient safety performance and educational needs using the ‘Safety-II’ approach for complex systems. Taylor & Francis Online. Find the publication here
  • Mesman, J. (2009). The geography of patient safety: A topical analysis of sterility. Social Science & Medicine. 69, 1705-1712
  • Reason, J. T., Paries, J. & Hollnagel, E. (2006). Revisiting the “Swiss cheese” model of accidents. Bretigny, France: Eurocontrol Experimental Center, EEC Note No. 13/06
  • Shojania, K. G. (2010). The elephant of patient safety: What you see depends on how you look. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 36(9), 399-
  • Stelfox, H. T., Palmisani, S., Scurlock, C., Orav, E. J. & Bates, D. W. (2006). The ‘‘To Err is Human’’ report and the patient safety literature. Qual Saf Health Care, 15, 174–178.
  • Sujan, Mark A., Huayi Huang, and Jeffrey Braithwaite. "Learning from incidents in health care: critique from a Safety-II perspective." Safety Science (2016).
  • Sujan, Mark, Peter Spurgeon, and Matthew Cooke. "The role of dynamic trade-offs in creating safety—A qualitative study of handover across care boundaries in emergency care." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 141 (2015): 54-62.
  • Vincent, C., Aylin, P., Franklin, B. D., Holmes, A., Iskander, S., Jacklin, A. & Moorthy, K. (2008). Is health care getting safer? BMJ, Volume 337, 1205-1207
  • Westrum, R. (2004). A typology of organisational cultures. Qual Saf Health Care, 13 (Suppl II): ii22–ii27.
  • Woods, D. D. & Cook, R. I. (2002). Nine Steps to Move Forward from Error. Cognition, Technology & Work, 4, 137–144
  • Wears R, Perry S, McFauls A. (2006). "Free Fall" - A Case Study of Resilience, Its Degradation, and Recovery in an Emergency Department. In Proceedings of the Second Resilience Engineering Symposium.



  • Hollnagel (2017). Safety-II in Practice – Developing the resilience potentials. Routledge
  • Hollnagel, E., Braithwaite, J. & Wears, R. L. (Eds.) (2013). Resilient health care. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
  • Iedema, R., Mesman, J. & Carroll, K. (Eds). (2013). Visualising Health Care Practice Improvement: innovation from within.
  • Rowley, E. & Waring, J. (Eds) (2011). A social-cultural perspective on patient safety. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
  • Wears, R. L., Hollnagel, E. & Braithwaite, J. (2015). Resilient health care, Volume 2: The resilience of everyday clinical work. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.



  • Hollnagel, E. (2012). Proactive approaches to safety management. London: The Health Foundation.
  • Ideas to innovation: Stimulating collaboration in the application of resilience engineering to healthcare. Summary from a meeting June 13-14, 2013, Washington DC.
  • Hollnagel, E., Wears, R. L. & Braithwaite, J. (2015). From Safety-I to Safety-II: A White Paper

You find and download the White Paper here.


The Resilient Health Care Net (RHCN) is a non-commercial collaboration of an international group of researchers and practitioners with the aim to apply Resilience Engineering principles in health care. The RHCN has no connection whatsoever with Resilient Healthcare LLC, despite the similarity of the names.


The RHCN is sponsored by the Center for Quality in the Region of Southern Denmark.

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