Learning from Covid-19 in real time

Recording real time reflections and experiences

The handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for everyone, in particular for health care professionals. Amidst the chaos it is important to ensure that we also learn from what happens, in particular from how problems are spotted and solved on the fly. 

As a small help for that, we have produced an aide-memoire. We hope that you will find it useful, and you are of course welcome to share it widely. Please see the quick links below. 

We are planning to organise one or more special sessions at the next RHCN Meeting in Sweden in 2021 to talk about resilience and our experiences with COVID-19. As a basis for that it will be invaluable to have access to the notes of our experiences as they are happening now. The purpose of the aide-memoire is to help organise those experiences and observations.

You may attach scanned or typed pages of your aide-memoir and send them by email to . The intention is to simply store them for you and send them back to you before the RHCN meeting in August 2021 in Jönköping, Sweden so you can use them in your presentation or poster.

The AIHI research team may have the capacity and time, and with your permission, create themes from the compiled aide-memoirs and share them with you, too. They will be de-identified. By sending them in via email you are giving us permission to look at them, but we will only use them for the purposes of RHCN and as indicated above unless agreed otherwise.

We naturally welcome comments and suggestions for improvements. And we look forward to the day when we can all meet again and reflect on what we have been through.

Kind regards

Jeffrey Braithwaite, Erik Hollnagel, Axel Ros

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